This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 300 additions and 35 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
{"id":"2fcf57903813269a","type":"text","text":"**Galileo Galilei**","x":-177,"y":-35,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"1"},
{"id":"244aea7237bae4ad","type":"text","text":"Nascita: Pisa - 1564","x":564,"y":-148,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"5f7cade79eb394ae","type":"text","text":"Studia medicina","x":564,"y":-65,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"9cf52d9d3872a82d","type":"text","text":"Gli piaceva la matematica","x":564,"y":25,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"d7d5d9c6bf4e340e","type":"text","text":"Insegnerà matematica all'università di Pisa","x":921,"y":25,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"01c82cf43c596104","type":"text","text":"Si trasferisce all'università di Padova","x":1260,"y":25,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"82bb963b94af9c22","type":"text","text":"Sostiene la dottrina copernicana","x":180,"y":200,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"3722f431939c52f4","type":"text","text":"Ha contatti con altri filosofi","x":-502,"y":179,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"30a5622769e12285","type":"text","text":"Crea un nuovo metodo di ricerca","x":-52,"y":480,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"6fd2ca73d32411f2","type":"text","text":"Thomas Hobbes","x":-302,"y":305,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"b3050f32ccbec682","type":"text","text":"Elaborazione e dimostrazione di leggi","x":-930,"y":860,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"1bb3fac0f1000bcf","type":"text","text":"Autonomia della scienza dalla religione e dalla filosofia","x":-1180,"y":731,"width":250,"height":99},
{"id":"3b87d4b4ae36d0da","type":"text","text":"Siderus Nuncius","x":357,"y":477,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"e742e35d556ff45e","type":"text","text":"Giordano Bruno","x":-302,"y":395,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"681ae7d74b3eb418","type":"text","text":"Astronomia Copernicana","x":-552,"y":565,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"e8f89ad5a546a0eb","type":"text","text":"Matematica come strumento di interpretazione","x":-552,"y":650,"width":250,"height":100},
{"id":"837a5c3d58cb8bd5","type":"text","text":"Crea uno rapporto stretto tra scienza e tecnica","x":-552,"y":890,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"e4561ecfffd8881c","type":"text","text":"La rivoluzione scientifica","x":-1020,"y":425,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"9a7f295b41322510","type":"text","text":"Viene ammonito dal tribunale dell'inquisizione, che segna quel pensiero come eretico","x":640,"y":231,"width":250,"height":121},
{"id":"b301987f15b88440","type":"text","text":"Muore ai domiciliari","x":564,"y":120,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"3435c7d64a299785","type":"text","text":"Osservato tramite l'utilizzo di un **telescopio**","x":223,"y":821,"width":297,"height":69},
{"id":"fa8df09099089560","type":"text","text":"Studi teorici di Keplero","x":765,"y":796,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"f7a5d0eda7196894","type":"text","text":"Esperienza degli Olandesi","x":765,"y":856,"width":250,"height":69},
{"id":"def8443e7f3502ae","type":"text","text":"Più potente di un cannocchiale, usato per osservare il cielo","x":245,"y":1009,"width":250,"height":91},
{"id":"db387abe1dba0c97","type":"text","text":"Studi sulla luna","x":-223,"y":1225,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"102225f7a690bc1e","type":"text","text":"Scopre che non è liscia","x":-223,"y":1360,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"5b69c91b7f43e4d5","type":"text","text":"Via lattea = agglomerato di stelle","x":370,"y":1217,"width":250,"height":76},
{"id":"86d3f287e63d5dd2","type":"text","text":"Studi su Saturno","x":60,"y":1293,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"f199f01ab4035fab","type":"text","text":"Irregolarità nella forma (più tardi si scoprì degli anelli)","x":60,"y":1428,"width":250,"height":100},
{"id":"20ca08d329e16d2f","type":"text","text":"Più centri","x":665,"y":1448,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"10732df31746374b","type":"text","text":"Studi su Giove","x":665,"y":1187,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"70befb1e4ce9a54d","type":"text","text":"Macchie solari","x":980,"y":1187,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"8e6770877f3fa017","type":"text","text":"Fasi di Venere","x":1260,"y":1187,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"6640ad042bccfa3a","type":"text","text":"PERIODO DELLA CONTRORIFORMA","x":1475,"y":-146,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"2"},
{"id":"c7d88cc166f783ff","type":"text","text":"Viene autorizzato a continuare da Urbano VIII ","x":640,"y":376,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"b77fd7f184c2bbe9","type":"text","text":"Viene obbligato a rinnegare la teoria copernicana e viene condannato al carcere a vita","x":960,"y":231,"width":250,"height":205},
{"id":"09bd0d398bd8499b","type":"text","text":"la pena viene modificata in **arresti domiciliari**","x":1340,"y":231,"width":250,"height":103},
{"id":"cc1d7d400da40790","type":"text","text":"Divieto assoluto di studi di questioni astronimiche","x":1340,"y":334,"width":250,"height":103},
{"id":"bb665421da14fd86","type":"text","text":"credevano in Aristotele, e le teorie Galileiane erano contro quelle Aristoteliche","x":914,"y":-281,"width":250,"height":101},
{"id":"a7b6bfa7341a0bae","type":"text","text":"Scrive *Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo, tolemaico e copernicano*","x":960,"y":507,"width":352,"height":118},
{"id":"594b25d082c833f3","type":"text","text":"Dovrebbe essere neutrale, come richiesto dal papa","x":1420,"y":507,"width":250,"height":92},
{"id":"4a2f915b3605097f","type":"text","text":"Salviati, rappresentava le posizioni di Galileo","x":1816,"y":425,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"6d4995adfd81765c","type":"text","text":"Simplicio, rappresentava le posizioni tolemaiche","x":1808,"y":519,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"6e26268773f769a6","type":"text","text":"Sangredo, dovrebbe rappresentare un giudice imparziale","x":1814,"y":622,"width":250,"height":98},
{"id":"6dbbd63caf86781e","type":"text","text":"Smentisce le affermazioni contrarie partendo da esperienze di vita quotidiana","x":980,"y":660,"width":250,"height":127},
{"id":"40b657b863c8477c","type":"text","text":"Porta al principio di relatività galileiana","x":1467,"y":693,"width":250,"height":60},
{"id":"f77241baff55038c","x":-1880,"y":415,"width":258,"height":90,"type":"text","text":"**Ipotesi teorica**, espressa matematicamente: \"come\" avviene il fenomeno?"},
{"id":"7044f839ba1c809c","type":"text","text":"**Verifica sperimentale** (\"cimento\"), mettere alla prova la teoria attraverso esperimenti","x":-1880,"y":538,"width":258,"height":127},
{"id":"23cf4b9f8bd308b7","type":"text","text":"Osservazione di un oggetto da studiare","x":-1880,"y":275,"width":258,"height":90},
{"id":"192fd8a10e01f713","x":-2339,"y":417,"width":250,"height":106,"type":"text","text":"In un ambiente protetto, per ricavare i dati più corretti"},
{"id":"71455a7bd93a5087","x":-2220,"y":333,"width":250,"height":50,"type":"text","text":"Nata da un intuizione"},
{"id":"d91e44ca0030e98d","x":-2339,"y":583,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"Derivare dai dati i rapporti matematici"},
{"id":"bc26814662aa45ab","x":-2700,"y":365,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"A volte mentali: esperimenti teorici"},
{"id":"355ee24aec47e5c4","x":-3000,"y":523,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"Deve essere replicabile"},
{"id":"74705d2c131ece21","x":-1100,"y":110,"width":305,"height":110,"type":"text","text":"Leggi matematicamente formulate e sperimentalmente verificabili"},
{"id":"1c880941053b2471","x":-1575,"y":105,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"Divide qualità oggettive e soggettive"},
{"id":"a86f6e234fb94e3a","x":-368,"y":-624,"width":348,"height":104,"type":"text","text":"**Principio di inerzia**:\nun corpo tende a mantenere il proprio stato di quiete o di moto uniforme"},
{"id":"5b9d7c55d04c8b0e","x":-368,"y":-700,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"Caduta dei gravi"},
{"id":"518094bf2d67ff80","x":20,"y":-602,"width":250,"height":60,"type":"text","text":"da cui deriva il principio di gravitazione di Newton"},
{"id":"ab65b72fbe65f69e","x":-388,"y":-1020,"width":368,"height":177,"type":"text","text":"Se si unissero 2 corpi, uno da 1kg e uno da 2kg, che cadrebbero a velocità diverse, da uniti dovrebbero cadere a una velocità intermedia, ma allo stesso tempo il corpo unito dovrebbe cadere più velocemente perché di 3 kg."},
{"id":"0c0e0f27113b804b","x":116,"y":-1020,"width":250,"height":126,"type":"text","text":"I corpi cadono alla stessa velocità, direttamente proporzionale al tempo e influenzata dall'attrito"}
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Con Galileo la **scienza** si stacca dalla filosofia e dalla religione.
# La rivoluzione astronomica
La tradizione veniva portata avanti da:
- la chiesa, che voleva che la verità fosse solo quella delle sacre scritture (in modo da essere i depositari della verità)
- Gli aristotelici, seguivano in principio di autorità, `ipse dixit`, ovvero, se Aristotele ha detto una cosa, quella è la verità
La concezione tradizionale è:
- geocentrica
- con l'universo finito
- con le orbite planetarie circolari e concentriche
- l'etere contenuto nel cielo delle stelle fisse, *il primo mobile*
- la parte terrestre è imperfetta, *perchè ogni cosa ha un suo contrario*
- la parte celeste, ovvero il resto del cosmo è perfetto perché c'era l'etere e il movimento circolare
- dio muove i cieli (muove il primo mobile)
essi sono tutto elementi **religiosi** e **qualitativi**, e quindi **arbitrari**.
Galileo si scontra quindi con la chiesa, elaborando una teoria con 2 verità, dice che la chiesa si deve occupare dell'*anima* e della *fede*, e dice che la scienza deve essere un ambito separato. La chiesa studia come si va in cielo, mentre la scienza studia cosa è e come è fatto il cielo.
# La rivoluzione scientifica
La rivoluzione scientifica:
- è una forma di sapere **quantitativa**, basata sulla **matematica**
- studia la natura
- la natura non viene concepita come un organismo vivente
- è costituita da un insieme di fenomeni
- concatenati secondo un legame di causa effetto: **meccanicismo**
- distinguibili
- gli scienziati dovevano confrontarsi e scambiarsi le conoscenze, ***per loro lo scambio porta al progresso***, ciò comporta anche l'utilizzo molto frequente del volgare.
> Il meccanicismo dice che la realtà e una macchina e che è formata da ingranaggi, ogni ingranaggio è causa di un fenomeno su un ingranaggio, che causa un altro fenomeno e così via. E' una concatenazione di cause ed effetti **materiali** e **misurabili**.
@ -8,6 +8,20 @@
- Ireland
- Ireland
# James I
# James I
- Mary Stuart's son
- Opened unvoluntary conflicts
- Ostility in Ulster
- Anglicans vs Catholics (Ireland)
- Civil War
- Protestant
- King James' Bible
- Intolerant towards dissenters
- Gunpowder plot (1605)
- Mayflower (the name of the ship, 1620, Pilgrim Fathers)
- Thanksgiving Day
- Is the holyday where they celebrate the first good harvest (of 1621)
The Ireland always was Catholic. James I sent a group of protestant people trying to convert Ireland's catholcs to Anglicanism.
The Ireland always was Catholic. James I sent a group of protestant people trying to convert Ireland's catholcs to Anglicanism.
This conversion wasn't that gentile, because he thought in the *divine right* (the king has been chosen by god). ==**DIVINE POWER OF THE KING**==
This conversion wasn't that gentile, because he thought in the *divine right* (the king has been chosen by god). ==**DIVINE POWER OF THE KING**==
@ -31,6 +45,77 @@ The thanksgiving day is celebrated in the $4^{th} november$.
> When they arrived in America, they tried to coltivate, but it was nearly winter and it was a different land. The people who lived in america before them, helped them, in the 1621 the harvest was really good, and with the thanksgiving they celebrated the new friendship.
> When they arrived in America, they tried to coltivate, but it was nearly winter and it was a different land. The people who lived in america before them, helped them, in the 1621 the harvest was really good, and with the thanksgiving they celebrated the new friendship.
This story was not right, they enslaved the natives, deprived them of lands and killed them, it was a *genocide*.
This story was not right, they enslaved the natives, deprived them of lands and killed them, it was a *genocide*.
# Charles I
- He could stant the parliament
- He believed in the **divine right of king**
- He appointed William Laud as the Archbisop of Canterbury
- He called and dismissed the Parliament (for the Money)
- The parliament imposed to sign **The Petition of Rights** (1628)
- Required the approvation before imposing taxes
- A fair trial before imprisonment
- The king signed but he didn't care (because he was god on earth)
- The parliament executed Laud (because he was executed everyone who wasn't Anglican)
- The king arrested some member of the parliament
# The civil war
| Cavaliers/Royalists | Roundheads |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| - Stuart tyranny<br>- Anglican Clergy<br>- Aristocracy (lords)<br>- **Gentry** (land owners) | - Parliamentarian Liberty<br>- Protestants<br>- Middle Class (merchants, businessmen, shopkeepers, artisans)<br>- New Model Army led by Oliver Cromwell |
| - Long hairs<br>- Colorful Clothes | - *roundheads* (short hairs)<br>- *somber* (dark) clothes |
The war is won by the Roundheads, and the house of commons remained the only remaining house of the parliament.
Charles the I has been beheaded in 1649, the monarchy is abolished and the royal family is exiled in france
# The Republic / Commonwealth / With Cromwell
Everybody who supported the monarchy couldn't enter the parliament and the house of lords has been abolished.
The church was very weak because he was on the king's side.
No king, many royalists around and no church -> Risk of anarchy -> Military Dictatorship with Cromewell as Lord Protector.
## The puritans
- they were calvinists
- they believed in predestination
- they worked hard to change their future (*work hard to make my destiny become true*)
- they persued materialism and success
- they watched the poverty as a sin (*povertà come un peccato*)
- they thought that everything that was immortal or waste of time was not good
# The Restoration | Charles II
- The anglicanism has been restored
- Cromwell's body undergoes a posthums (post mortem) execution
- Removed of bans by the puritans
- In theathres there are women actress.
- The great plague and the great fire of london
- the puritans thing as punishments because, as response to cromwell's dictator, this court becomed the most immoral.
The conflict between Royalists and Parlimentarian becomed Thories (Royalists) vs Whighs (Parlaimentarian)
| Royalists | Parliamentarian | |
| ------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| Thories | Whigs | Labour (made a lot of time after) |
| Conservative | Liberal (pro trade) | |
| Lords | Middle Class | Workers |
# James II
- Was catholic
- The daughter, Mary II, was protestant, and married William d'Orange
- The parliament passed the crown directly to William and Mary (because he was catholic, bloodless revolution, **Glorious revolution**)
# Mary and Williams
- First time Queen (of England) and King both
- Bill of Right
| Executive Monarchy | Constitutional Monarchy |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Monarch rules | Monarch reigns |
| | Parliament rules and make laws |
| | Symbolical position |
| | King head of commonwealth |
| | Prime minister is appointed by the monarch |
| | Once a week the king is updated by the prime minister |
# Queen Anne
- Act of union
- United King of England + Scotland
- Treaty of Utrecht
- Gibraltar
- Minorca
- Hudson Bay (Canadian)
# Exercises
# Exercises
## Page 87
## Page 87
### Exercise 2
### Exercise 2
@ -48,3 +133,7 @@ This story was not right, they enslaved the natives, deprived them of lands and
5. Is a bible made for laymen, accepted by the king and published, it's still used today
5. Is a bible made for laymen, accepted by the king and published, it's still used today
6. It was a plot against the parliament that has been sedated, they wanted to blow up the parliament, with the king inside
6. It was a plot against the parliament that has been sedated, they wanted to blow up the parliament, with the king inside
7. The puritans were a group of strict protestants, they were the people who was sent to europe by Elizabeth, and then returned.
7. The puritans were a group of strict protestants, they were the people who was sent to europe by Elizabeth, and then returned.
## In class
1. Are all the members of commonwealth are former colonies? no, ruanda and mozambi. 53 countries, india,...
2. How many people in the word are part of the commonwealth? % nearly 1/3
3. What does the CW flag represent? It represent the global nation of the cw, there is a globe, with a blue (like the sea) background, and 53 spears
@ -1,34 +1,26 @@
| Data | Accadimento |
1. England
| ---- | ---------------------------- |
2. Thought
| 1485 | Tudor Despotism \| Henry VII |
3. thinks
| 1534 | Act of Supremacy |
4. sais
5. unfaithful != traitor
- 80-83 (3)
6. then after hearing the witches' prophecies
- 88-90 (2)
7. because he feels responsible
- 92-97 (5)
8. I wouldn't say he's racist...
- 100-111 (11 - no Taylor Swift)
9. he avenge**s**
- [x] 80
10. how he speak**s**
- [x] 81
11. How he speaks with his soldiers
- [x] 82
12. Rome's
- [x] 83
13. gives
- [x] 88
14. to get her purpose
- [x] 89
15. These values
- [x] 90
16. makes
- [x] 92
17. they look like
- [x] 93
18. understand if **s**he is watching [...] (kaleydoscopic effect)
- [x] 94
19. didn't want
- [x] 95
20. corrupt them
- [x] 96
21. made
- [x] 97
22. choose
- [x] 100
23. follow
- [x] 101
24. which
- [x] 102
25. about it
- [x] 103
26. **I**
- [ ] 104
- [ ] 105
- [ ] 106
- [ ] 107
- [ ] 108
- [ ] 109
- [ ] 110
- [ ] 111
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