plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "2.0.0" id("maven-publish") } group = "org.thundernetwork" version = "1.0.0" repositories { maven("") } kotlin { jvmToolchain(17) } java { withSourcesJar() } dependencies { implementation(kotlin("stdlib")) // testImplementation(kotlin("test")) } tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() } tasks.jar { from(sourceSets.main.get().allSource) manifest { attributes(mapOf("Main-Class" to "org.thundernetwork.sitemapKt")) } } publishing { repositories { publishing { repositories { maven { name = "GitHub" url = uri("") credentials { username = System.getenv("REPOSITORY_USERNAME") password = System.getenv("REPOSITORY_PASSWORD") } } } } } publications { create("mavenJava") { from(components["java"]) pom { name = "Sitemap" description = "A simply collection of utils for sitemap creation written in Kotlin" licenses { license { name = "The Apache License, Version 2.0" url = "" } } developers { developer { id = "killerbossoriginal" name = "KillerBossOriginal" email = "" } } scm { connection = "scm:git:git://" developerConnection = "scm:git:ssh://" url = "" } issueManagement { system = "GitHub Issues" url = "" } ciManagement { system = "GitHub Actions" url = "" } organization { name = "ThunderNetwork" url = "" } } } } }