/* * readlineSync * https://github.com/anseki/readline-sync * * Copyright (c) 2015 anseki * Licensed under the MIT license. */ 'use strict'; var IS_WIN = process.platform === 'win32', ALGORITHM_CIPHER = 'aes-256-cbc', ALGORITHM_HASH = 'sha256', DEFAULT_ERR_MSG = 'The platform doesn\'t support interactive reading', fs = require('fs'), TTY = process.binding('tty_wrap').TTY, childProc = require('child_process'), defaultOptions = { prompt: '> ', hideEchoBack: false, mask: '*', limit: [], limitMessage: 'Input another, please.${( [)limit(])}', caseSensitive: false, keepWhitespace: false, encoding: 'utf8', bufferSize: 1024, print: void 0, trueValue: [], falseValue: [] }, fdR = 'none', fdW, ttyR, isRawMode = false, extHostPath, extHostArgs, tempdir, salt = 0, _DBG_useExt = false, _DBG_checkOptions = false, _DBG_checkMethod = false; /* display: string keyIn: boolean hideEchoBack: boolean mask: string limit: string (pattern) caseSensitive: boolean keepWhitespace: boolean encoding, bufferSize, print */ function _readlineSync(options) { var input = '', displaySave = options.display, silent = !options.display && options.keyIn && options.hideEchoBack && !options.mask; function tryExt() { var res = readlineExt(options); if (res.error) { throw res.error; } return res.input; } if (_DBG_checkOptions) { _DBG_checkOptions(options); } (function() { // open TTY var fsB, constants; function getFsB() { if (!fsB) { fsB = process.binding('fs'); // For raw device path constants = process.binding('constants'); } return fsB; } if (typeof fdR !== 'string') { return; } fdR = null; if (IS_WIN) { if (process.stdin.isTTY) { fdR = process.stdin.fd; ttyR = process.stdin._handle; } else { try { // The stream by fs.openSync('\\\\.\\CON', 'r') can't switch to raw mode. // 'CONIN$' might fail on XP, 2000, 7 (x86). fdR = getFsB().open('CONIN$', constants.O_RDWR, parseInt('0666', 8)); ttyR = new TTY(fdR, true); } catch (e) {} } if (process.stdout.isTTY) { fdW = process.stdout.fd; } else { try { fdW = fs.openSync('\\\\.\\CON', 'w'); } catch (e) {} if (typeof fdW !== 'number') { // Retry try { fdW = getFsB().open('CONOUT$', constants.O_RDWR, parseInt('0666', 8)); } catch (e) {} } } } else { if (process.stdin.isTTY) { try { fdR = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r'); // device file, not process.stdin ttyR = process.stdin._handle; } catch (e) {} } else { // Node v0.12 read() fails. try { fdR = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r'); ttyR = new TTY(fdR, false); } catch (e) {} } if (process.stdout.isTTY) { fdW = process.stdout.fd; } else { try { fdW = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'w'); } catch (e) {} } } })(); (function() { // try read var atEol, limit, isCooked = !options.hideEchoBack && !options.keyIn, buffer, reqSize, readSize, chunk, line; // Node v0.10- returns an error if same mode is set. function setRawMode(mode) { if (mode === isRawMode) { return true; } if (ttyR.setRawMode(mode) !== 0) { return false; } isRawMode = mode; return true; } if (_DBG_useExt || !ttyR || typeof fdW !== 'number' && (options.display || !isCooked)) { input = tryExt(); return; } if (options.display) { fs.writeSync(fdW, options.display); options.display = ''; } if (!setRawMode(!isCooked)) { input = tryExt(); return; } buffer = new Buffer((reqSize = options.keyIn ? 1 : options.bufferSize)); if (options.keyIn && options.limit) { limit = new RegExp('[^' + options.limit + ']', 'g' + (options.caseSensitive ? '' : 'i')); } while (true) { readSize = 0; try { readSize = fs.readSync(fdR, buffer, 0, reqSize); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'EOF') { setRawMode(false); input += tryExt(); return; } } chunk = readSize > 0 ? buffer.toString(options.encoding, 0, readSize) : '\n'; if (chunk && typeof(line = (chunk.match(/^(.*?)[\r\n]/) || [])[1]) === 'string') { chunk = line; atEol = true; } // other ctrl-chars if (chunk) { chunk = chunk.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]/g, ''); } if (chunk && limit) { chunk = chunk.replace(limit, ''); } if (chunk) { if (!isCooked) { if (!options.hideEchoBack) { fs.writeSync(fdW, chunk); } else if (options.mask) { fs.writeSync(fdW, (new Array(chunk.length + 1)).join(options.mask)); } } input += chunk; } if (!options.keyIn && atEol || options.keyIn && input.length >= reqSize) { break; } } if (!isCooked && !silent) { fs.writeSync(fdW, '\n'); } setRawMode(false); })(); if (options.print && !silent) { // must at least write '\n' options.print(displaySave + (options.hideEchoBack ? (new Array(input.length + 1)).join(options.mask) : input) + '\n', options.encoding); } return (options.keepWhitespace || options.keyIn ? input : input.trim()); } function readlineExt(options) { var hostArgs, res = {}, execOptions = {env: process.env, encoding: options.encoding}; if (!extHostPath) { if (IS_WIN) { if (process.env.PSModulePath) { // Windows PowerShell extHostPath = 'powershell.exe'; extHostArgs = ['-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-File', __dirname + '\\read.ps1']; } else { // Windows Script Host extHostPath = 'cscript.exe'; extHostArgs = ['//nologo', __dirname + '\\read.cs.js']; } } else { extHostPath = '/bin/sh'; extHostArgs = [__dirname + '/read.sh']; } } if (IS_WIN && !process.env.PSModulePath) { // Windows Script Host // ScriptPW (Win XP and Server2003) needs TTY stream as STDIN. // In this case, If STDIN isn't TTY, an error is thrown. execOptions.stdio = [process.stdin]; } if (childProc.execFileSync) { hostArgs = getHostArgs(options); if (_DBG_checkMethod) { _DBG_checkMethod('execFileSync', hostArgs); } try { res.input = childProc.execFileSync(extHostPath, hostArgs, execOptions); } catch (e) { // non-zero exit code res.error = new Error(DEFAULT_ERR_MSG); res.error.method = 'execFileSync'; res.error.program = extHostPath; res.error.args = hostArgs; res.error.extMessage = e.stderr.trim(); res.error.exitCode = e.status; res.error.code = e.code; res.error.signal = e.signal; } } else { res = _execFileSync(options, execOptions); } if (!res.error) { res.input = res.input.replace(/^\s*'|'\s*$/g, ''); options.display = ''; } return res; } // piping via files (for Node v0.10-) function _execFileSync(options, execOptions) { function getTempfile(name) { var path = require('path'), filepath, suffix = '', fd; tempdir = tempdir || require('os').tmpdir(); while (true) { filepath = path.join(tempdir, name + suffix); try { fd = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wx'); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'EEXIST') { suffix++; continue; } else { throw e; } } fs.closeSync(fd); break; } return filepath; } var hostArgs, shellPath, shellArgs, res = {}, exitCode, pathStdout = getTempfile('readline-sync.stdout'), pathStderr = getTempfile('readline-sync.stderr'), pathExit = getTempfile('readline-sync.exit'), pathDone = getTempfile('readline-sync.done'), crypto = require('crypto'), shasum, decipher, password; shasum = crypto.createHash(ALGORITHM_HASH); shasum.update('' + process.pid + (salt++) + Math.random()); password = shasum.digest('hex'); decipher = crypto.createDecipher(ALGORITHM_CIPHER, password); hostArgs = getHostArgs(options); if (IS_WIN) { shellPath = process.env.ComSpec || 'cmd.exe'; process.env.Q = '"'; // The quote (") that isn't escaped. // `()` for ignore space by echo shellArgs = ['/V:ON', '/S', '/C', '(%Q%' + shellPath + '%Q% /V:ON /S /C %Q%' + '%Q%' + extHostPath + '%Q%' + hostArgs.map(function(arg) { return ' %Q%' + arg + '%Q%'; }).join('') + ' & (echo !ERRORLEVEL!)>%Q%' + pathExit + '%Q%%Q%) 2>%Q%' + pathStderr + '%Q%' + ' |%Q%' + process.execPath + '%Q% %Q%' + __dirname + '\\encrypt.js%Q%' + ' %Q%' + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + '%Q% %Q%' + password + '%Q%' + ' >%Q%' + pathStdout + '%Q%' + ' & (echo 1)>%Q%' + pathDone + '%Q%']; } else { shellPath = '/bin/sh'; shellArgs = ['-c', // Use `()`, not `{}` for `-c` (text param) '("' + extHostPath + '"' + hostArgs.map(function(arg) { return " '" + arg.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'"; }).join('') + '; echo $?>"' + pathExit + '") 2>"' + pathStderr + '"' + ' |"' + process.execPath + '" "' + __dirname + '/encrypt.js"' + ' "' + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + '" "' + password + '"' + ' >"' + pathStdout + '"' + '; echo 1 >"' + pathDone + '"']; } if (_DBG_checkMethod) { _DBG_checkMethod('_execFileSync', hostArgs); } try { childProc.spawn(shellPath, shellArgs, execOptions); } catch (e) { res.error = new Error(e.message); res.error.method = '_execFileSync - spawn'; res.error.program = shellPath; res.error.args = shellArgs; } while (fs.readFileSync(pathDone, {encoding: options.encoding}).trim() !== '1') {} if ((exitCode = fs.readFileSync(pathExit, {encoding: options.encoding}).trim()) === '0') { res.input = decipher.update(fs.readFileSync(pathStdout, {encoding: 'binary'}), 'hex', options.encoding) + decipher.final(options.encoding); } else { res.error = new Error(DEFAULT_ERR_MSG); res.error.method = '_execFileSync'; res.error.program = shellPath; res.error.args = shellArgs; res.error.extMessage = fs.readFileSync(pathStderr, {encoding: options.encoding}).trim(); res.error.exitCode = +exitCode; } fs.unlinkSync(pathStdout); fs.unlinkSync(pathStderr); fs.unlinkSync(pathExit); fs.unlinkSync(pathDone); return res; } function getHostArgs(options) { // Send any text to crazy Windows shell safely. function encodeArg(arg) { return arg.replace(/[^\w\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function(chr) { return '#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } return extHostArgs.concat((function(conf) { var args = []; Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(optionName) { if (conf[optionName] === 'boolean') { if (options[optionName]) { args.push('--' + optionName); } } else if (conf[optionName] === 'string') { if (options[optionName]) { args.push('--' + optionName, encodeArg(options[optionName])); } } }); return args; })({ display: 'string', keyIn: 'boolean', hideEchoBack: 'boolean', mask: 'string', limit: 'string', caseSensitive: 'boolean' })); } function flattenArray(array, validator) { var flatArray = []; function _flattenArray(array) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (array == null) { return; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ else if (Array.isArray(array)) { array.forEach(_flattenArray); } else if (!validator || validator(array)) { flatArray.push(array); } } _flattenArray(array); return flatArray; } // margeOptions(options1, options2 ... ) // margeOptions(true, options1, options2 ... ) // arg1=true : Start from defaultOptions and pick elements of that. function margeOptions() { var optionsList = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), optionNames, fromDefault; if (optionsList.length && typeof optionsList[0] === 'boolean') { fromDefault = optionsList.shift(); if (fromDefault) { optionNames = Object.keys(defaultOptions); optionsList.unshift(defaultOptions); } } return optionsList.reduce(function(options, optionsPart) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (optionsPart == null) { return options; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ // ======== DEPRECATED ======== if (optionsPart.hasOwnProperty('noEchoBack') && !optionsPart.hasOwnProperty('hideEchoBack')) { optionsPart.hideEchoBack = optionsPart.noEchoBack; delete optionsPart.noEchoBack; } if (optionsPart.hasOwnProperty('noTrim') && !optionsPart.hasOwnProperty('keepWhitespace')) { optionsPart.keepWhitespace = optionsPart.noTrim; delete optionsPart.noTrim; } // ======== /DEPRECATED ======== if (!fromDefault) { optionNames = Object.keys(optionsPart); } optionNames.forEach(function(optionName) { var value; if (!optionsPart.hasOwnProperty(optionName)) { return; } value = optionsPart[optionName]; switch (optionName) { // _readlineSync defaultOptions // ================ string case 'mask': // * * case 'encoding': // * * case 'limitMessage': // * /* jshint eqnull:true */ value = value != null ? value + '' : ''; /* jshint eqnull:false */ if (value && optionName === 'mask' || optionName === 'encoding') { value = value.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); } options[optionName] = value; break; // ================ number case 'bufferSize': // * * if (!isNaN(value = parseInt(value, 10)) && typeof value === 'number') { options[optionName] = value; } // limited updating (number is needed) break; // ================ boolean case 'hideEchoBack': // * * case 'caseSensitive': // * * case 'keepWhitespace': // * * case 'keyIn': // * options[optionName] = !!value; break; // ================ function case 'print': // * * options[optionName] = typeof value === 'function' ? value : void 0; break; // ================ array case 'limit': // * * readlineExt case 'trueValue': // * case 'falseValue': // * options[optionName] = flattenArray(value, function(value) { var type = typeof value; return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp; }).map(function(value) { return typeof value === 'string' ? value.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '') : value; }); break; // ================ other case 'prompt': // * case 'display': // * readlineExt /* jshint eqnull:true */ options[optionName] = value != null ? value : ''; /* jshint eqnull:false */ break; } }); return options; }, {}); } function isMatched(res, comps, caseSensitive) { return comps.some(function(comp) { var type = typeof comp; if (type === 'number') { comp += ''; } return (type === 'string' ? (caseSensitive ? res === comp : res.toLowerCase() === comp.toLowerCase()) : type === 'function' ? comp(res) : comp instanceof RegExp ? comp.test(res) : false); }); } function replacePlaceholder(text, generator) { return text.replace(/(\$)?(\$\{(?:\(([\s\S]*?)\))?(\w+|.-.)(?:\(([\s\S]*?)\))?\})/g, function(str, escape, placeholder, pre, param, post) { var text; return escape || typeof(text = generator(param)) !== 'string' ? placeholder : text ? (pre || '') + text + (post || '') : ''; }); } function array2charlist(array, caseSensitive, collectSymbols) { var values, group = [], groupClass = -1, charCode = 0, symbols = '', suppressed; function addGroup(groups, group) { if (group.length > 3) { // ellipsis groups.push(group[0] + '...' + group[group.length - 1]); suppressed = true; } else if (group.length) { groups = groups.concat(group); } return groups; } values = array.reduce(function(chars, value) { return chars.concat((value + '').split('')); }, []) .reduce(function(groups, curChar) { var curGroupClass, curCharCode; if (!caseSensitive) { curChar = curChar.toUpperCase(); } curGroupClass = /^\d$/.test(curChar) ? 1 : /^[A-Z]$/.test(curChar) ? 2 : /^[a-z]$/.test(curChar) ? 3 : 0; if (collectSymbols && curGroupClass === 0) { symbols += curChar; } else { curCharCode = curChar.charCodeAt(0); if (curGroupClass && curGroupClass === groupClass && curCharCode === charCode + 1) { group.push(curChar); } else { groups = addGroup(groups, group); group = [curChar]; groupClass = curGroupClass; } charCode = curCharCode; } return groups; }, []); values = addGroup(values, group); // last group if (symbols) { values.push(symbols); suppressed = true; } return {values: values, suppressed: suppressed}; } function joinChunks(chunks, suppressed) { return chunks.join(chunks.length > 2 ? ', ' : suppressed ? ' / ' : '/'); } function placeholderInMessage(param, options) { var text, values, resCharlist = {}; switch (param) { case 'hideEchoBack': case 'mask': case 'caseSensitive': case 'keepWhitespace': case 'encoding': case 'bufferSize': case 'input': text = options.hasOwnProperty(param) ? options[param] + '' : ''; break; case 'prompt': case 'query': case 'display': text = options.displaySrc + ''; break; case 'limit': case 'trueValue': case 'falseValue': values = options[options.hasOwnProperty(param + 'Src') ? param + 'Src' : param]; if (options.keyIn) { // suppress resCharlist = array2charlist(values, options.caseSensitive); values = resCharlist.values; } else { values = values.filter(function(value) { var type = typeof value; return type === 'string' || type === 'number'; }); } text = joinChunks(values, resCharlist.suppressed); break; case 'limitCount': case 'limitCountNotZero': text = options[options.hasOwnProperty('limitSrc') ? 'limitSrc' : 'limit'].length; text = (text ? text : param === 'limitCountNotZero' ? '' : text) + ''; break; } return text; } function placeholderCharlist(param) { var matches = /^(.)-(.)$/.exec(param), text = '', from, to, code, step; if (!matches) { return; } from = matches[1].charCodeAt(0); to = matches[2].charCodeAt(0); step = from < to ? 1 : -1; for (code = from; code !== to + step; code += step) { text += String.fromCharCode(code); } return text; } function readlineWithOptions(options) { var res, generator = function(param) { return placeholderInMessage(param, options); }; options.limitSrc = options.limit; options.displaySrc = options.display; options.limit = ''; // for readlineExt options.display = replacePlaceholder(options.display + '', generator); while (true) { res = _readlineSync(options); if (!options.limitSrc.length || isMatched(res, options.limitSrc, options.caseSensitive)) { break; } options.input = res; // for placeholder options.display += (options.display ? '\n' : '') + (options.limitMessage ? replacePlaceholder(options.limitMessage, generator) + '\n' : '') + replacePlaceholder(options.displaySrc + '', generator); } return res; } function toBool(res, options) { return ( (options.trueValue.length && isMatched(res, options.trueValue, options.caseSensitive)) ? true : (options.falseValue.length && isMatched(res, options.falseValue, options.caseSensitive)) ? false : res); } // for dev exports._DBG_set_useExt = function(val) { _DBG_useExt = val; }; exports._DBG_set_checkOptions = function(val) { _DBG_checkOptions = val; }; exports._DBG_set_checkMethod = function(val) { _DBG_checkMethod = val; }; exports.setDefault = function(options) { defaultOptions = margeOptions(true, options); return margeOptions(true); // copy }; exports.prompt = function(options) { var readOptions = margeOptions(true, options), res; readOptions.display = readOptions.prompt; res = readlineWithOptions(readOptions); return toBool(res, readOptions); }; exports.question = function(query, options) { var readOptions = margeOptions(margeOptions(true, options), { display: query }), res = readlineWithOptions(readOptions); return toBool(res, readOptions); }; exports.keyIn = function(query, options) { var readOptions = margeOptions(margeOptions(true, options), { display: query, keyIn: true, keepWhitespace: true }), res; // char list readOptions.limitSrc = readOptions.limit.filter(function(value) { var type = typeof value; return type === 'string' || type === 'number'; }) .map(function(text) { return replacePlaceholder(text + '', placeholderCharlist); }); // pattern readOptions.limit = readOptions.limitSrc.join('').replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]/g, '\\$&'); ['trueValue', 'falseValue'].forEach(function(optionName) { var comps = []; readOptions[optionName].forEach(function(comp) { var type = typeof comp; if (type === 'string' || type === 'number') { comps = comps.concat((comp + '').split('')); } else if (comp instanceof RegExp) { comps.push(comp); } }); readOptions[optionName] = comps; }); readOptions.display = replacePlaceholder(readOptions.display + '', function(param) { return placeholderInMessage(param, readOptions); }); res = _readlineSync(readOptions); return toBool(res, readOptions); }; // ------------------------------------ exports.questionEMail = function(query, options) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (query == null) { query = 'Input e-mail address :'; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ return exports.question(query, margeOptions({ // -------- default hideEchoBack: false, // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/forms.html#valid-e-mail-address limit: /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/, limitMessage: 'Input valid e-mail address, please.', trueValue: null, falseValue: null }, options, { // -------- forced keepWhitespace: false, })); }; exports.questionNewPassword = function(query, options) { var readOptions = margeOptions({ // -------- default hideEchoBack: true, mask: '*', limitMessage: 'It can include: ${charlist}, the length able to be: ${length}', caseSensitive: true, trueValue: null, falseValue: null, confirm: 'Reinput same one to confirm it :' }, options, {/* forced limit */}), // added: charlist, min, max, confirm charlist, min, max, resCharlist, res1, res2, limit1, limitMessage1; /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (query == null) { query = 'Input new password :'; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ charlist = options && options.charlist ? options.charlist + '' : '${!-~}'; charlist = replacePlaceholder(charlist, placeholderCharlist); if (options) { min = options.min; max = options.max; } if (isNaN(min = parseInt(min, 10)) || typeof min !== 'number') { min = 12; } if (isNaN(max = parseInt(max, 10)) || typeof max !== 'number') { max = 24; } limit1 = new RegExp( '^[' + charlist.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]/g, '\\$&') + ']{' + min + ',' + max + '}$'); if (readOptions.limitMessage) { resCharlist = array2charlist([charlist], readOptions.caseSensitive, true); resCharlist.text = joinChunks(resCharlist.values, resCharlist.suppressed); limitMessage1 = replacePlaceholder(readOptions.limitMessage, function(param) { return param === 'charlist' ? resCharlist.text : param === 'length' ? min + '...' + max : null; }); } while (!res2) { readOptions.limit = limit1; readOptions.limitMessage = limitMessage1; res1 = exports.question(query, readOptions); readOptions.limit = [res1, '']; readOptions.limitMessage = 'Two passwords don\'t match.' + ' Hit only Enter key if you want to retry from first password.'; res2 = exports.question(options.confirm, readOptions); } return res1; }; function _keyInYN(query, options, limit) { var readOptions = margeOptions(options, { // -------- forced hideEchoBack: false, limit: limit, caseSensitive: false, trueValue: 'y', falseValue: 'n' }), res; /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (query == null) { query = 'Are you sure? :'; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ if ((query += '') && options.keyGuide !== false) { query = query.replace(/\s*:?\s*$/, '') + ' [Y/N] :'; } res = exports.keyIn(query, readOptions); if (typeof res !== 'boolean') { res = ''; } return res; } exports.keyInYN = function(query, options) { return _keyInYN(query, options); }; exports.keyInYNStrict = function(query, options) { return _keyInYN(query, options, 'yn'); }; exports.keyInPause = function(query, options) { var readOptions = margeOptions(options, { // -------- forced hideEchoBack: true, mask: '' }); /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (query == null) { query = 'Continue...'; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ if ((query += '') && options.keyGuide !== false) { query = query.replace(/\s+$/, '') + ' (Hit any key)'; } exports.keyIn(query, readOptions); return; }; exports.keyInSelect = function(query, items, options) { var readOptions = margeOptions({ // -------- default hideEchoBack: false, }, options, { // -------- forced caseSensitive: false, trueValue: null, falseValue: null }), res, keylist = '', key2i = {}, charCode = 49 /* '1' */, display = '\n'; if (!Array.isArray(items) || items.length > 35) { throw '`items` must be Array (max length: 35).'; } items.forEach(function(item, i) { var key = String.fromCharCode(charCode); keylist += key; key2i[key] = i; display += '[' + key + '] ' + item.trim() + '\n'; charCode = charCode === 57 /* '9' */ ? 65 /* 'A' */ : charCode + 1; }); if (options.cancel !== false) { keylist += '0'; key2i['0'] = -1; display += '[' + '0' + '] CANCEL\n'; } readOptions.limit = keylist; display += '\n'; /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (query == null) { query = 'Choose one from list :'; } /* jshint eqnull:false */ if ((query += '')) { if (options.keyGuide !== false) { query = query.replace(/\s*:?\s*$/, '') + ' [${limit}] :'; } display += query; } res = exports.keyIn(display, readOptions); return key2i[res.toUpperCase()]; }; // ======== DEPRECATED ======== function _setOption(optionName, args) { var options; if (args.length) { options = {}; options[optionName] = args[0]; } return exports.setDefault(options)[optionName]; } exports.setPrint = function() { return _setOption('print', arguments); }; exports.setPrompt = function() { return _setOption('prompt', arguments); }; exports.setEncoding = function() { return _setOption('encoding', arguments); }; exports.setMask = function() { return _setOption('mask', arguments); }; exports.setBufferSize = function() { return _setOption('bufferSize', arguments); };