/* jshint wsh:true */ /* * readlineSync * https://github.com/anseki/readline-sync * * Copyright (c) 2015 anseki * Licensed under the MIT license. */ var FSO_ForReading = 1, FSO_ForWriting = 2, PS_MSG = 'Microsoft Windows PowerShell is required.' + ' https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847837.aspx', input, fso, tty, options = (function(conf) { var options = {}, arg, args =// Array.prototype.slice.call(WScript.Arguments), (function() { var args = [], i, iLen; for (i = 0, iLen = WScript.Arguments.length; i < iLen; i++) { args.push(WScript.Arguments(i)); } return args; })(), confLc = {}, key; function decodeArg(arg) { return arg.replace(/#(\d+);/g, function(str, charCode) { return String.fromCharCode(+charCode); }); } for (key in conf) { if (conf.hasOwnProperty(key)) { confLc[key.toLowerCase()] = {key: key, type: conf[key]}; } } while (typeof(arg = args.shift()) === 'string') { if (!(arg = (arg.match(/^\-+(.+)$/) || [])[1])) { continue; } arg = arg.toLowerCase(); if (confLc[arg]) { options[confLc[arg].key] = confLc[arg].type === 'boolean' ? true : confLc[arg].type === 'string' ? args.shift() : null; } } for (key in conf) { if (conf.hasOwnProperty(key) && conf[key] === 'string') { if (typeof options[key] !== 'string') { options[key] = ''; } else { options[key] = decodeArg(options[key]); } } } return options; })({ display: 'string', keyIn: 'boolean', hideEchoBack: 'boolean', mask: 'string' }); if (!options.hideEchoBack && !options.keyIn) { if (options.display) { writeTTY(options.display); } input = readByFSO(); } else if (options.hideEchoBack && !options.keyIn && !options.mask) { if (options.display) { writeTTY(options.display); } input = readByPW(); } else { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine(PS_MSG); WScript.Quit(1); } WScript.StdOut.Write('\'' + input + '\''); WScript.Quit(); function writeTTY(text) { try { tty = tty || getFso().OpenTextFile('CONOUT$', FSO_ForWriting, true); tty.Write(text); } catch (e) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine('TTY Write Error: ' + e.number + '\n' + e.description + '\n' + PS_MSG); WScript.Quit(e.number || 1); } } function readByFSO() { var text; try { text = getFso().OpenTextFile('CONIN$', FSO_ForReading).ReadLine(); } catch (e) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine('TTY Read Error: ' + e.number + '\n' + e.description + '\n' + PS_MSG); WScript.Quit(e.number || 1); } return text; } // TTY must be STDIN that is not redirected and not piped. function readByPW() { var text; try { text = WScript.CreateObject('ScriptPW.Password').GetPassword() // Bug? Illegal data may be returned when user types before initializing. .replace(/[\u4000-\u40FF]/g, function(chr) { var charCode = chr.charCodeAt(0); return charCode >= 0x4020 && charCode <= 0x407F ? String.fromCharCode(charCode - 0x4000) : ''; }); } catch (e) { WScript.StdErr.WriteLine('ScriptPW.Password Error: ' + e.number + '\n' + e.description + '\n' + PS_MSG); WScript.Quit(e.number || 1); } writeTTY('\n'); return text; } function getFso() { if (!fso) { fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); } return fso; }