/* * readlineSync * https://github.com/anseki/readline-sync * * Copyright (c) 2015 anseki * Licensed under the MIT license. */ 'use strict'; var IS_WIN = process.platform === 'win32', SHELL_PATH = IS_WIN ? 'cmd.exe' : '/bin/sh', SHELL_CMD = __dirname + (IS_WIN ? '\\read.bat' : '/read.sh'), ALGORITHM_CIPHER = 'aes-256-cbc', ALGORITHM_HASH = 'sha256', fs = require('fs'), childProc = require('child_process'), stdin = process.stdin, stdout = process.stdout, promptText = '> ', encoding = 'utf8', bufSize = 1024, useShell = false, print, tempdir, salt = 0; function _readlineSync(display, options) { var input = '', res, buffer = new Buffer(bufSize), rsize; options = options || {}; if (display !== '') { // null and undefined were excluded. if (typeof print === 'function') { print(display, encoding); } stdout.write(display + '', encoding); } if (useShell || options.noEchoBack) { // Try reading via shell res = _readlineShell(options); if (res.error) { if (display !== '') { stdout.write('\n', encoding); } // Return from prompt line. throw newError(res.props); } input = res.stdout; } else { stdin.resume(); while (true) { rsize = 0; try { rsize = fs.readSync(stdin.fd, buffer, 0, bufSize); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'EOF') { break; } // Try reading via shell res = _readlineShell(options); if (res.error) { if (display !== '') { stdout.write('\n', encoding); } // Return from prompt line. throw newError(res.props); } input += res.stdout; break; } if (rsize === 0) { break; } input += buffer.toString(encoding, 0, rsize); if (/[\r\n]$/.test(input)) { break; } } stdin.pause(); } return options.noTrim ? input.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '') : input.trim(); } function newError(props) { var err = new Error('The platform doesn\'t support interactive reading from stdin'), key; if (props) { for (key in props) { if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) { err[key] = props[key]; } } } return err; } function _readlineShell(options) { var args = [], res = {}, execOptions = { env: process.env, stdio: [stdin], // ScriptPW needs piped stdin encoding: encoding }; if (options.noEchoBack) { args.push('noechoback'); } stdin.pause(); // re-start in child process if (childProc.execFileSync) { try { res.stdout = childProc.execFileSync(SHELL_PATH, (IS_WIN ? ['/C', SHELL_CMD] : [SHELL_CMD]).concat(args), execOptions); } catch (e) { // non-zero exit code res = {error: true, props: { method: 'execFileSync', command: SHELL_CMD, args: args, stderr: e.stderr.trim() }}; } } else { res = _execSyncByFile(args, execOptions); } if (!res.error) { res.stdout = res.stdout.replace(/^'|'$/g, ''); } return res; } // piping via files (node v0.10-) function _execSyncByFile(args, execOptions) { function getTempfile(name) { var path = require('path'), filepath, suffix = '', fd; tempdir = tempdir || require('os').tmpdir(); while (true) { filepath = path.join(tempdir, name + suffix); try { fd = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wx'); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'EEXIST') { suffix++; continue; } else { throw e; } } fs.closeSync(fd); break; } return filepath; } var cmdArgs, res = {}, pathStdout = getTempfile('readline-sync.stdout'), pathStderr = getTempfile('readline-sync.stderr'), pathStatus = getTempfile('readline-sync.status'), pathDone = getTempfile('readline-sync.done'), crypto = require('crypto'), shasum, decipher, password; shasum = crypto.createHash(ALGORITHM_HASH); shasum.update('' + process.pid + (salt++) + Math.random()); password = shasum.digest('hex'); decipher = crypto.createDecipher(ALGORITHM_CIPHER, password); if (IS_WIN) { // The quote (") is escaped by node before parsed by shell. Then use ENV{Q}. process.env.Q = '"'; // `()` for ignore space by echo cmdArgs = ['/V:ON', '/S', '/C', '(' + SHELL_PATH + ' /V:ON /S /C %Q%%Q%' + SHELL_CMD + '%Q% ' + args.join(' ') + ' & (echo !ERRORLEVEL!)>%Q%' + pathStatus + '%Q%%Q%) 2>%Q%' + pathStderr + '%Q%' + ' |%Q%' + process.execPath + '%Q% %Q%' + __dirname + '\\encrypt.js%Q%' + ' %Q%' + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + '%Q% %Q%' + password + '%Q%' + ' >%Q%' + pathStdout + '%Q%' + ' & (echo 1)>%Q%' + pathDone + '%Q%']; } else { cmdArgs = ['-c', '(' + SHELL_PATH + ' "' + SHELL_CMD + '" ' + args.join(' ') + '; echo $?>"' + pathStatus + '") 2>"' + pathStderr + '"' + ' |"' + process.execPath + '" "' + __dirname + '/encrypt.js"' + ' "' + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + '" "' + password + '"' + ' >"' + pathStdout + '"' + '; echo 1 >"' + pathDone + '"']; } childProc.spawn(SHELL_PATH, cmdArgs, execOptions); while (fs.readFileSync(pathDone, {encoding: encoding}).trim() !== '1') {} if (fs.readFileSync(pathStatus, {encoding: encoding}).trim() === '0') { res.stdout = decipher.update(fs.readFileSync(pathStdout, {encoding: 'binary'}), 'hex', encoding) + decipher.final(encoding); } else { res = {error: true, props: { method: '_execSyncByFile', command: SHELL_CMD, args: args, stderr: fs.readFileSync(pathStderr, {encoding: encoding}).trim() }}; } fs.unlinkSync(pathStdout); fs.unlinkSync(pathStderr); fs.unlinkSync(pathStatus); fs.unlinkSync(pathDone); return res; } // for dev exports._useShellSet = function(use) { useShell = use; }; exports.setPrint = function(fnc) { print = fnc; }; exports.setPrompt = function(newPrompt) { /* jshint eqnull:true */ if (newPrompt != null) { /* jshint eqnull:false */ promptText = newPrompt; } return promptText; }; exports.setEncoding = function(newEncoding) { if (typeof newEncoding === 'string') { encoding = newEncoding; } return encoding; }; exports.setBufferSize = function(newBufSize) { if (typeof newBufSize === 'number') { bufSize = newBufSize; } return bufSize; }; exports.prompt = function(options) { return _readlineSync(promptText, options); }; exports.question = function(query, options) { return _readlineSync( /* jshint eqnull:true */ query != null ? query : '', /* jshint eqnull:false */ options); }; exports.keyIn = function(query) { return _readlineSync( /* jshint eqnull:true */ query != null ? query : '', /* jshint eqnull:false */ {keyIn: true}); };