Displays the `query` to the user, and then returns the user's response after it has been typed.
The `query` may be string, or may not be (e.g. number, Date, Object, etc.). This is converted to string (i.e. `toString` method is called) before it is displayed every time.
If `{noEchoBack: true}` is specified to `options`, echo back is avoided. It is used to hide the secret text (e.g. password) which is typed by user on screen.
If `{noEchoBack: true}` is specified to `options`, echo back is avoided. It is used to hide the secret text (e.g. password) which is typed by user on screen. (See `noEchoBack` option of `question` method)
Sets the prompt, for example when you run `node` on the command line, you see `> `, which is node's prompt. (See `prompt` method)
The `prompt` may be string, or may not be (e.g. number, Date, Object, etc.). This is converted to string (i.e. `toString` method is called) before it is displayed every time.
For example, `[foo-directory]#` like a bash shell that show the current directory.
// Object that has toString method.
toString: function() {
return '[' + require('path').basename(process.cwd()) + ']# '; // Get and show current directory.
If you want to control the flow of task runner (e.g. [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/)), call readlineSync in a task callback that is called by task runner. Then the flow of tasks is paused and it is controlled by user.
readlineSync tries reading from stdin by shell if it is needed. And, it use "piping via files" for synchronous running.
As everyone knows, "piping via files" is no good. It blocks event loop and a process. It may make your script be slow.
Why did I choose it? :
+ The best solution is [child_process.execSync](https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/doc/api/child_process.markdown#child_processexecsynccommand-options) in core modules of Node. But it is not supported by current version.
+ The good modules (native addon) for synchronous execution exist. But node-gyp can't compile those in some platforms or Node versions.
+ I think that the security is important more than the speed. Some modules have problem about security. (Those don't protect data.) I think that the speed is not needed usually, because readlineSync is used while user types keys.