Ogni modifica a questo documento verrĂ  annunciata e deve essere accettata da chiunque produca contenuti per Thunder Network. Queste licenze riguardano solo i contenuti prodotti per ThunderNetwork da staff. I contenuti prodotti da partner, salvo accordi diversi, rimangono dei partner. # Licenza TNL v1.0 Licenza per il contenuti chiusi. Questa licenza si applica a tutti i software prodotti e modificati da Thunder Network, inclusi: - Server Minecraft - MR.Handy - API - Sito Internet - e tutti gli altri progetti di RaD ``` TNL v1.0 License Owners: ThunderNetworkRaD - The Inquisitors, The Owners of Thunder Network Thunder Network License V1.0 - Private Content Definitions Owner: Who own this software or who commited it tho his developers (specified at the begin of this file) This software: Everything contained in this folder Creators: Who created the content You can't use, share or copy this content without the permission of the owner/s. The content is owned by the project owner/s, the Creators haven't any right on it. If the content is a software: - The Creators can test, edit and run this software following Owner's directives. ``` # Licenza Open-TNL v1.0 Licenza per il software open-source ``` TNLp v1.0 License Work in Progress ```