import 'classes/message/message.dart'; import 'main.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'dart:convert'; final headerswh = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; Future sendWH(Map content, String token, String id) { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/webhooks/$id/$token"); return, body: json.encode(content), headers: headerswh); } Future editWH(Map content, String token, String id, String mid) { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/webhooks/$id/$token/messages/$mid"); return http.patch(url, body: json.encode(content), headers: headerswh); } Future getWH(String token, String id, String mid) { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/webhooks/$id/$token/messages/$mid"); return http.get(url); } Future deleteWH(String token, String id, String mid) { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/webhooks/$id/$token/messages/$mid"); return http.delete(url); } Future requestWebSocketURL() async { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/gateway"); dynamic res = await http.get(url); res = json.decode(res.body); return res["url"]; } class Sender { final String? _token; Map headers = {}; Sender(this._token) { headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bot $_token", }; } Future fetchGuilds({ bool withCounts = false }) async { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/users/@me/guilds?with_counts=$withCounts"); dynamic res = await http.get(url, headers: headers); res = json.decode(res.body); return res; } Future send(Message msg, String cid) async { final url = Uri.parse("$apiURL/channels/$cid/messages"); dynamic res = await, headers: headers, body: json.encode(msg.exportable())); res = json.decode(res.body); return res; } Future fetchGuild(String id, { bool withCounts = false }) async { dynamic res = await http.get(Uri.parse("$apiURL/guilds/$id?with_counts=$withCounts"), headers: headers); if (res.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception("Error ${res.statusCode} receiving the guild"); } res = json.decode(res.body); return res; } Future fetchChannel(String id) async { dynamic res = await http.get(Uri.parse("$apiURL/channels/$id"), headers: headers); if (res.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception("Error ${res.statusCode} receiving the channel"); } res = json.decode(res.body); return res; } Future fetchMember(String gid, String id) async { dynamic res = await http.get(Uri.parse("$apiURL/guilds/$gid/members/$id"), headers: headers); if (res.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception("Error ${res.statusCode} receiving the member"); } res = json.decode(res.body); return res; } } Future interactionReply(String id, String token, Map content) async { var bd = { "type": 4, "data": content }; dynamic res = await"$apiURL/interactions/$id/$token/callback"), body: json.encode(bd), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); if (res.statusCode != 204) { throw Exception("Error ${res.statusCode} replying to the interaction"); } res = json.decode(res.body); return res; }