import 'package:tn_discord/tn_discord.dart'; main() async { var client = Client( intents: calculateIntents([ GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent // What do you want from GatewayIntentBits ]) ); client.login("ODkwMz1g"); client.on("READY", (data) async { // Let we get a guild name var a = await client.guilds.fetch("913388008307302410"); print(; client.commands.create(Command(name: "test", description: "test1")); }); client.on(Events.MessageCreate, (MessageSent message) async { // When a message is sent print author id and reply with the same message print(message.authorID); if (message.authorID != { client.channels.cache.get( message.content)); } }); }