The first theatre in London has been built in 

Most important theatres:
- The Globe
- The Swan

The theaters developed especially in Southwark (like today's Las Vegas).
In **Southwark** (a place out of London walls) there was:
- Theatres
- Bull baiting arenas
- Brothels
- Theatres

A theatre was a:
- place of **entertainment**
- place of **infection**
- place of **vice** and **robbery**
- gender fluid place (only man could become actor, so the man had to dress like woman)
and actors were considered immoral people.

They went to the theatre in the afternoon because there was no electricity and there was a structure in the open air. It was in an amphitheater shape made in wood and roof of thatch (tetto di paglia).

It was a simple scene, with a small canvas and some props to make the setting.

The theatre was open to everyone.
# Structure
- **Galleries**
	- Expansive
	- With a roof
	- You can sit
- **The Pick**
	- You were on the ground (-> Groundlings)
- **The stage**
	- roof (the heavens)
	- trapdoors
	- 2 levels
		- balcony
		- musicians
	- actors
		- males only
		- cross dressing
	- Props
- **tiring houses** (camerini) where the actors dressed up.
## The life of the actors
Their profession was considered borderline and illegal.
The theatre was considered a place of sin (*peccato*) because they were full of people that helped to spread pandemics.
## Tragedy
In a Greek Tragedy, there was unordinary people: kings, princes and warriors.
There is a flow related to madness or suffering (crisis), then there is a downfall, where there is a catharsis (where the people who watch the tragedy identify themselves into the protagonist).
A tragedy is about an unhappy events and end.
The language is elevated and the style is solemn.
## Comedy
The characters are ordinary and doesn't change. Also the situation is ordinary, and there is the theme of love.
The characters have to solve small problems/adversities (that they complete successfully).
The language is not elevated, and the aim is to mock vices (prendere in giro i vizi).
![Comedy vs Tragedy](Comedy%20vs%20Tragedy.png)
## Tragicomedy
That's a style invented in Elizabethan times, where they mixed comedy and tragedy.

|          | -       | Mircale Plays    | Moralty Plays                                   |
| -------- | ------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| Place    | Churces | Paegeauts        | Lord's houses                                   |
| Language | Latin   | English          | English                                         |
| Players  | Clergy  | Layman           | Actors                                          |
| Theme    |         | Biblical Stories | Stories with moral characters impersonate vices |
| Time     |         | 13-14th century  | 15-16th century                                 |